Warm Up |
3x: 20s Jumping jacks + 20s feet wide alt. Toe touches + 20s upward facing > downward facing dog 2 minute squat sit with rotations 3x: Kick stand hinge (no wt) x 6/6 + supine scorpion x 4 + SA Carry w/march R>/L< |
Strength |
1. Supine slider angels x 10 + Feet wide slider pikes x 8 + Copenhagen plank x 20s/20s 2. Split position wtd. leg lifts x 6/6 + step behind > rotational throw x 5/5 + Hanging knee tucks or toes to bar x 8 > 15s knee tuck hold on last rep |
Work |
2 sets of each, then back to top for 1 set of each: 1. Slider pull/push2. Kneeling plate lifts x 12 1. Ski x 200m 2. DB Strict press x 20 1. Slider climbers x 30s2. Kneeling alt. Halos x 12 |
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