Workout: 7_25_2024

Warm Up
– 2x: Lateral lunges x 6 + forward lunge knee rotations x 30s/30s + seated figure 4 x 30s/30s 
– 3x: Jump through x 10 + banded lat stretch x 20s/20s + KB Swings x 10
– Bottom of squat hold x 1 minute 
– Incline DB Together press x 10 + Side to side ab rollouts x 10 + hinge position weighted pull downs x 10 

– Front Squats: 10-8-6-4 (increase weight each set and hit a heavy set of 4. Go by feel) 
Remaining time: 
– Blue awning Run
– Barbell Curls x 10
– Barbell high pulls x 10
– Barbell press x 10 
– Barbell GM x 10