Workout: 7_24_2024

Warm Up
10 minutes: 
– Inch worm x 5
– hinge > squat > stand x 8
– Dive bomber push ups x 5
– Dead hang knee tuck x 20s

20/10 Press/OH Hold x 6
1) Renegade Row x 6 + Eccentric anchored sit ups x 6 + Single Arm KB clean x 5/5

2) Barbell HPC x 6 + SL Side to side hops x 20/20 + SL Front to back hops x 20/20
You go, I go:
1) 10>1 DB Strict press (keep DB’s in Position)
2) 1>10 KB Squat jumps
3) 10>1 Deficit push ups
4) 1>10 Burpee box up and over