Warm up |
5 min: up>downward facing dog x 5 + push ups w/3s pause at bottom x 5 + side plank hold from hand x 20s/20s 5 min: Knee to elbow (slow) x 8 alt. + plank wave x 6 total + prone chest stretch x 4 |
Strength |
– face pull with towel x 12 + DB incline press x 6 w/3s down phase + kneeling DB lateral raises x 12 – Supine barbell bent row x 8 w/3s pause on 4h and 8th rep + ½ kneeling front rack/press x 6/6 + DB Behind head tri. Ext x 12 |
Work |
Goal is to complete the work with little rest. Once the 4 movements have been completed, rest for 1min-90s. – Ski x 12 calories – Dual farmer carry >< x 2 – Strict HSPU x 6 (or wall walks x 3) – DB Hang Snatch x 5/5 |
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