Workout: 7_11_2024

Warm up
– Guad run

– half frog x 20s/20s + leg lift from half frog x 10R/10L + cat/cow x 5

– 2x: high knees >< + Butt kicks >< + Punter kicks >< + calf scoops >< 

– 20/10 x 5: DB Press/OH Hold
1) 3 minute dual KB Clean and Press

2) Deadlifts: 8-6-4-4 (double overhand grip) 

3) Push Press: 8-6-4-4 (rack or floor)
Begin each set with a 100m Ski

– Dual DB Curls
 – Alt. V-ups
– Strict DB Press
– Goblet Squats