Workout: 6_30_2023

Warm up
1) 5 minutes: Push up w/step through x 4 + swimmer claps x 10 + chest stretch on wall x 20s/20s
2) 5 minutes: Squat rotation x 4 + KB Kickstand RDL x 5/5 + lightly wtd. Squat rotation x 3/3 (scale = no wt.)
8 minutes: 
– DB RDL x 10
– DB OH Walking lunges x 10
– Weighted lateral lunges x 6 total

Rest 2 minutes

8 minutes: 
– Incline DB bench press x 12
– Wide stance alt. Row x 12
– KB high pull (starts on ground > high pull > back to ground) x 12

Rest 2 minutes

8 minutes:
– KB or DB Goblet squats x 12
– Lightly weighted jumping lunges x 12
– Deficit push ups x 12
Remaining time in teams of 3-4:
– Max distance row in remaining time. Alt. the following movements after each turn:
1) KB Swings x 8 
2) V-ups x 12
3) Squat > sprawl > stand x 8