Workout: 6_21_2024

Warm Up
– Blue awning run 

– 2x: Jumping jacks x 30s + Forward Arm circles x 15 + Backwards x 15 + Prone chest stretch x 20s/20s 

– 2x: Banded pull apart x 12 + dead hang x 20s + slider pike x 6
2 sets of each then back to top for 1 set of each: 

– Kneeling alt. Curls x 12 + triceps pull downs x 15 + DB pull overs on bench x 10

– Box dips x 8 + Side to side ab rollouts x 10 + hinge position T>Y x 10 (lightly weighted) 

– DB Floor press x 12 + KB Bent row (KB touch ground at end of each rep) x 10

– Calorie ski 
– Deficit push ups 
– Lateral OH Raises w/DB or plates
– Plank position DB Transfer