Workout: 6_15_2023

Warm up
– 6 minutes: 15 air squats + bear crawl >< (cones 20 steps apart) + Goblet squat w/kb curl at bottom x 6

– Guadalupe run 

– 8 minutes: – Alt. Halo x 12 + Plate ground to OH x 12 (light) + Supine DB Raises x 12 
15 minutes fo work:

– Forward box push >< + backwards box push >< (3 plate max) 

– Alt hammer curls x 12

– 4 pt DB pull with one hand on medball (knees under hips) x 6/6

– DB Together incline press x 12 
1) Ski: 20/10 x 4 sets then rest 2 minutes then repeat. Go hard on the ski

2) 3x: Plate push >< + Z-press x 15

3) 3x: DB Box step ups x 12 + hollow body flutter kicks x 30s (use a weight if desired)
If you finish and there is still time, find a partner (up to 3 on a team) and begin ski until the end of class (12 pulls each)