Workout: 5_21_2024

Warm up
– 3 minutes: Side shuffles + Jog + Lunges + bear crawl
– Chin up grip dead hang x 20s + prone chest stretch x 4 + light windmill x 3/3
– Push up > upward facing dog x 5 + HS hold x 20s + partner chest stretch x 20s 
– Bench elevated prone biceps curls x 12 + banded OH triceps ext. X 12 + weighted/anchored deficit sit up 3s x 6 reps   

– Barbell bench press x 8-10 + chin ups x 8-10 + lateral DB Raises x 10 + single arm supported reverse fly x 10/10                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             
2 sets of each then back to top:

– 2 cone sprint x 2- Heavy Carry R>/L<

– Hands behind head squat jumps x 12- Push ups x 10

– Dual DB Press x 10- SL Slider sprint x 10/10