Workout: 5_08_2023

Warm up
– 1x: Bear crawl >< + Crab walk >< + high knees >< + butt kicks ><

– 2x: Plank wave push ups x 5 + band pass through x 12 + 12 DB Strict Press

– 2x: Single arm KB swings x 5/5 + KB Front Rack squats x 5/5 + wall facing hs hold x 20s
1) 6 minute KB Clean and press (alt. As needed) rest position is front rack or OH. 

2) 12 minutes: 
– Medball rotational throw x 6/6
– Partner banded back pedal >< 
– copenhagen planks x 20s/20s- Chin over bar hold x 15s
1) 100m Row intervals: 100m + 20s Rest x 5 sets

Remaining time: 

– Mt. Sliders x 30  + Farmer carry (KB/DB in each hand) >< + slamball sit up and hand off to partner x 20 total