Workout: 5_03_2023

Warm Up
– 2x: Bear crawls >< + Crab walks >< + gator crawls > 

– 5 min: prone chest stretch x 4 + dead hangs x 20s + deficit push ups w/pause at bottom x 8

– Prep benches/bars – bench press warm up: 10-8-6
5×4 Bench Press


Incline DB Together press x 12 + Kneeling triceps pull downs x 20 + body saw from elbows > Slider pike from hands x 8 
2 sets of each repeating for 12 minutes: 

– 12 calorie ski 
– Farmer/Front rack > + Farmer/OH <. Then switch hands

– Burpee > Box Up and Over x 8
– Dual DB Thrusters x 8
– DB Push ups x 8
– DB Rows x 8

Coaches choice finisher if time allows