Workout: 4_04_2023

Warm up
5 minutes: Forward lunge stretch x 30s/30s + shin box wave x 10 + wide stance squat rotation x 4

5 minutes: Goblet squat x 10 + squat jump x 10 + supine scorpion x 10 

20/10 x 5: Squat/squat hold
12 minutes: 

– Barbell step back lunges x 12 + Pull ups x 10 + OH slam ball Throw to wall x 6 

Remaining time: 
– Front Squats x 8 + Slider hamstring curls x 6/6 + banded kick backs x 10/10
With a partner: 

1) For 4 minutes: 30s barbell back squat butt to ball for max reps. Alternate every 30s with your partner. Each person can have their own barbell. Do not drop empty barbells. 

2) 4 minute max calorie ski. After each turn, perform 8 jumping lunges. No more than 12 pulls each person.

3) 4 minute max rep plate push ><. One person goes ><, then switch