Warm up |
5 min: Step through x 4 + Dive bomber push ups x 5 + squat hold with arms OH x 20 (keep arms straight) 5 min: KB Swings x 10 + DB Walking lunges x 12 (light) + v-ups x 12 2x: Supine scorpion x 4 + prone scorpion x 4 + wall walks x 2 |
Strength |
4x: Step back lunge > press x 5/5 + slider push ups x 5/5 + slider pikes x 10 Remaining strength section: – Heavy DB Bench press x 6-8 + DB Lateral raises x 10 + chin ups x 6-8 (weighted if possible) + rotational throws x 5/5 |
Work |
2 sets of each, then back to top for 1 set of each: 1) Blue awning run + Deficit push ups x 10 + toes to bar x 10 2) Plate push >< + Barbell curls x 15 + Barbell high pulls x 15 (light or no weight on barbell) 3) Cal. ski x 12 + DB Ground to OH x 12 (alt. as needed) + Goblet squats x 12 |
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