Workout: 3_21_2023

Warm up
– 2x: prone scorpion x 4 + body rock step through x 10 + seated straddle stretch x 30s

– 1x: High knees > + punter kicks < + A-skips > + B skips <

– 8x: 20/10 Push ups/Rest
1) 5×10 Bench press @ moderate weight with 1 min between each set. Try to go unbroken on all sets if possible. (12 minute cut off)

Remaining time (approx. 10 min): 

2) Push Jerk x 5 + Chin ups x 8 + DB Transfer x 12 total 

Strength will go until 40 min after.
Continuous rounds with a partner x 12 minutes:

– Barbell burpee jump overs x 20
– Barbell Hang power cleans x 20
– Barbell Thrusters x 20
– Slamball slams x 20 

As many ski calories as possible in 3 minutes with partner. 8 pulls each.