Workout: 2_27_2023

Warm up
4 minute team ski warm up pace (8-10 pulls each) 

– Couch stretch x 1m/1m

– Frog stretch x 2m

– 5 min: High knees >< + wide stance goblet squat x 10 + superman x 10 
10 minutes: – Alt. barbell step back lunges x 12 + Partner banded back pedal >< + Slider hamstring curls x 6/6 or scale x 12 total

10 minutes: 
– Barbell back squat @ bodyweight or as close to bodyweight as possible x 30s of steady reps. Try to stay in motion.  
– Dual DB RDL x 10 
–  banded glute bridge x 10 
1) Bike 300m repeats x 5. – Set screen to work for 300m and rest for 20s. Focus on breathing during rest.

2) 3x: DB forward walking lunges x 12 + Dual DB Squats x 12 + Squat jumps (no weight) x 12

3) 3x:Slider climbers x 30s + Side plank dip x 30sR/30sL