Warm Up |
1) Partner Ski x 4 min: Switch out every 8 pulls 2) 4 min: Bear crawl >< + Jumping lunges x 12 + Dive bomber push ups x 5 3) 20/10 x 4 each: – Press/OH Hold- V-ups/toe touch hold- Squat jump/Squat hold |
Strength |
1) Partner band backpedal >< + Deficit push ups x 10 + Hanging L-sit or knee tuck x 15s 2) Bulgarian split squat x 8/8 (light) + KB RDL x 10 + Dual biceps curls x 12 |
Work |
With a partner complete the following: – 600m SKi + Medball OH hold (switch as needed) – 3x: Plate push + Push up x 5/FLR hold until partner comes back – FFE Jumping lunges x 100 + Wall sit while partner moves – Slamball slams x 80 + 90 degree plate hold while partner moves |
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