Workout: 1_25_2023

Warm Up
– Guad Run- 2x: Scorpion x 4 + yoga push ups x 5- 2x: Winmill x 3/3 + KB OH squat x 3/3

– 5 minutes: Swing x 3 + Clean x 3 + F. Lunge x 3 + Kneeling press x 3 – switch hands and repeat
2 sets of each with a partner: 

– P1: Headcutters x 10- P2: Heavy DB Farmer Hold 

– P1: Dual KB FR Hold- P2: Blue awning runs

P1: Plate push ><P2: Wall sit
P1: Alt. V-ups x 20 P2: FLR

P1: Burpees x 10 P2: Dual DB OH Hold