Workout: 1_02_2025

Warm Up
– 6 minutes: Banded GM x 12 + Banded OH Squat x 10 + Forward lunge hold x 20s/20s

– 5 minutes: Goblet squats x 10 + lateral lunge hold x 20s/20s + DB Over head step back lunge x 5/5
1) Hamstring slider curls x 6/6 or 12 with both feet + Banded glute bridge on bench x 10 + SL hops R></L><

2) Barbell hip thrusts on bench x 12 + Reverse slider lunge w/kb in goblet x 8/8 + weighted calf raise x 12/12
12 minutes of work: 

– Backwards box push >< (4 blue plate max)
– Side plank thread through x 8/8
– KB Swings x 10 
– Squat jumps w/o weight x 10 

3 minute wall sit