Workout: 12_11_2024

Warm Up
– 1x: supine scorpion x 4 + prone scorpion x 4 + forward lunge knee rotations x 30s/30s 
– 2x: Bear crawl >< + slide pike x 8 + lat stretch on wall x 20s 
– 2x: Crab walk >< + lateral raises to OH x 10 + hanging scap rotations x 5F/5B
– 8 minutes: 30s WFHSH (scale as needed) + kneeling KB Windmill x 5/5 + seated straight leg raise up and over x 12
– 8 minutes: Dual DB Strict press x 8 + close grip pull ups x 5 + deficit push ups w/3s pause at bottom of each x 8
– 15 calorie row + Bear crawl plate push ><
– 20 calorie Bike + 20 kneeling plate ground to OH
– 15 Cal ski + side/side/back/throw x 12 + side v-ups x 10/10
– Choice x 20 cals + 1min light goblet squat to press away at bottom of each rep