Workout: 11_21_2023

Warm up
– Supine scorpion x 4

– shin box waves x 12

– 6 minutes:  yoga push ups x 5 + banded pull across body x 12/12 (band on pull up bar) + plate raise OH x 12 

20/10 x 5: Push ups/FLR
– Deficit push ups 3s down/3s pause x 5 + wtd superman pull downs x 12 + lateral band raises x 12 + behind head triceps extensions x 12/12

– DB Bench press x 6 then lower weight and complete max reps + seesaw row x 12 + kneeling straight arm banded pull downs x 12 
Complete the following with a partner: 

– Slider push >< x 12
– Slamball slams x 50
– DB Ground to OH x 50
– Sit up to throw (dynamax ball) x 50
– Barbell Curls x 50
– Barbell Z-press x 50