Workout: 11_06_2024

Warm Up
2x: – 1 minute of Jumping Jacks- 1 minute of squats- 1 minute of push up step throughs

2x: Goblet position march in place x 30s + supine scorpion x 4 + dead hang x 25s
– Dual KB front rack squat to press (not necessarily a thruster) x 8

– Box dips x 8-10

– Plank position band pulls x 10/10

– Slider pike (slow and steady) x 8

– Slam ball lateral rotational throws x 6/6
12-15 minutes: 

– Blue awning run
– SL RDL x 6/6
– Plate sit ups x 10
– Alt. DB jumping lunges x 12
– Alt. push ups x 10