Workout: 10_26_2022

Warm Up
– 2x: Single leg compass x 3/3 (coaches cue) + Single leg hop x 20s/20s + single leg side to side hop x 20s/20s

– 2x: Plank position shoulder taps x 10 (slow and controlled) + Wall walk x 2 (try to get chest to wall) + Dead hang with knees tucked x 30s

– 2x: Side shuffle >< + power skip >< + bounding >< + broad jumps ><
1) 3x: Hang power clean x 5 (one front squat on last rep)

2) 3x: Hang Clean x 3

3) 3x: Clean x 2
15 minutes: 

– Single DB Bear crawl (Forward >/Backwards <)

– Goblet squat x 12

– KB Clean and press x 5/5

– side/side/back/throw to wall x 10

Partner Finisher: