Workout: 10_19_2022

Warm Up
– 3 minute body rock with step through

– 6 minutes: 20s dead hang + 20s HS Hold (free standing or wall facing) + squat rotation x 4

– 3x: Side shuffle >< + Figure 4 > + crab walk < + Punter kicks >
2 sets of each, then back to top for 2 sets of each:
1) Blue awning run + Barbell bench press x 12 + Ab roll outs x 10 

2) Bike x 500m + Pull ups x 10 + Bent fly x 10 

3) Row x 250m + SA KB Clean x 5 + Press x 5 – Then switch hands 

4) Slider climbers x 30s + Hang power clean x 5 + Push ups on barbell x 10