Workout: 10_12_2023

Warm up
– 3x: 10 air squats + 10 step back lunges + 10 body weight hinges

– 2x: Hurdle walks >/Backwards < + A-skips >< + Punter kicks ><

– 5 minutes: 4 pt. Knee rotations x 10F/10B + SL Glute bridge x 10/10 + KB Swings x 10
– 3x: Barbell deadlift x 6 (moderate weight) + prone slider jumping jacks + band walks x 12/12

– Deadlift: 4-3-2 (Double overhand grip)
With a partner: 
– 1000m Row- Dual DB Ground to OH x 80
– Plate push >< x 8- Plate OH step ups x 80
– Bike x 2000- Butt to ball air squats x 200