
Warm up
– 5 minutes: Plank wave push ups x 5 + duck walk >< + Dead hang w/knee tuck x 20s
– 2x: High knees >< + Butt kicks >< + A-Skips >< + B-Skips ><
– Sprints >< x 4
1. 3x: SA KB Swing x 6/6 + KB Press x 6/6 + OH Step Back lunge x 6/6 (Complete all R the all L)
2. 3x: Single DB Bear Crawl R>/L< + band raises across body x 12/12 
3. 3x: HEAVY KB Swing x 8 + Goblet squats x 8 + Slam ball throw to wall x 8
2x through the back to top for 1x through.
2x: – Blue awning run (sub 500m ski if you can’t run) – Deadlifts x 8
2x: – Blue awning run – Hang power cleans x 8
2x: – Blue awning run – Front Squats x 8