Results For Category: "Uncategorized"

Workout: 2_05_2024

Warm up – 5 minutes: Shin box waves x 10 + wide stance side to side in squat pos. X 10 + Floor touch to…

Workout: 2_03_2024

Warm Up Dynamic fun! Strength Unweighted x 3 sets – short breaks as needed: – Kneeling barbell high pull x 10 + Kneeling barbell curls…

Workout: 2_02_2024

Warm up – 8 mninutes: Blue awning run + lateral band walks x 12/12 + Wide stance light goblet squats x 10– Couch stretch x…

Workout: 2_01_2024

Warm up – 150m row + Inch worm/push up x 5 + supine scorpion x 4 + prone scorpion x 4 – 5 minutes: Banded…

Workout: 1_31_2024

Warm Up – 8 minutes; Sprawl > Push up > jump through > stand x 8 + lateral lunges x 8 + deck squat x…

Workout: 1_30_2023

Warm up 15 minutes: – Ski x 150m – Dead hang x 30s– Plate lat raises x 12 + pull apart x 12– Dive bomber push ups…

Workout: 1_29_2023

Warm up – 6 pt knee rotations x 10F/10B + Leg swings x 10/10 + Standing rotations x 10 – Squat hold plate lift x…

Workout: 1_26_2024

Warm up – 2x: Bear crawl >< + calf scoops > + punter kicks >< + Cartwheels >< – 20/10 x 5: Push up/FLR– 20/10…

Workout: 1_25_2024

Warm up – 2 minute bottom of squat hold – Squat > Hip lift > down > stand x 5 + prone scorpion x 4…

Workout: 1_24_2024

Warm Up – Lateral lunge > Forward lunge w/rotation x 6 + Banded GM x 12 + standing knee circles x 10F/10B – 3x of…